in the company, i have accepted the basic theory and the insurance company's new insurance - universal insurance training in basic terms and regulations, participate in sales of universal insurance product launches and different forms of customer involvement association will listen newcomers training with weekly morning meetings large and small, to participate in the process to deal with matters of insurance agents exchange contracts, insurance salesman and hospitality of its production, print a variety of presentation forms of insurance benefits, insurance sales and an auxiliary group other colleagues training room to solve problems at work and so on. through participation in the work of these various forms, i learned a lot of valuable practical knowledge, mainly:
(1) insurance collected and the status of the insurance industry, the insurance that i have a more objective and comprehensive understanding, good sense, but also inspired my interest in deepening the understanding of finance and want to apply their knowledge.
(2) the known data analysis and communication with colleagues to improve the cognitive abilities of self-thought through, as a scientific forecast of the status of the insurance industry research and prospects of further sparked my career orientation thoughtful, helped design career planning and career in college i carried.
(3) to have a preliminary career, true and appropriate awareness and improved efforts to clear objectives, with colleagues and by many of the salesman exchanges, contacts and learn valuable interpersonal skills and life skills experience, handed several friends can humbly ask the elders for their guidance, education and ideological inspiration for me.
practical knowledge and software application skills (4) office computer, and the ability to deal with problems / fanwen / 1600 / and experience strengthened my knowledge extended, collected and improve the ability of the desire to learn.
(5) hard-working, practical, serious and responsible work style of importance, the only way to be recognized, in order to truly be harvested.
of course, in my personal opinion also found some minor problems, such as insurance agents appraisal system is not perfect, professional quality insurance salesman uneven attendance system is not perfect, irregular spanision of labor is not clear enough and so needs to be improved.
this practice taught me a lot, not only let me expand horizons, an increase of social knowledge, and after i graduated from college into the community to lay a solid foundation, is a major asset during my youth, so i am a lifetime.
公司有住宿,就在公司的对面,三室一厅的房子,所有的家具电器都是全的,空调,电视,dvd,冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉等等。住7个人,虽然人有点多,但是在深圳,公司能提供这样的住宿条件也是很不错的了。每天8点15上班,7点半起床,洗涑,吃早餐,然后到公司,刷卡,再开始一天的工作。我们业务部每天都要开早会,每天都有不同的人主持。主要是统计前一天的工作情况,验货,交货情况等等,以及当天的工作安排。每周五的会议记录是由我们组来做,我做了几次,很头痛,因为讲的很快,事情又多,根本记不清楚所有的东西。后来由主管教该怎么样科学的记这些东西,然后整理。刚开始进公司,对所有的东西都是茫然,不知道自己该做什么,不知所措。所幸的是,主管很好,27,8岁左右的女孩,就带着我,一点点的教。这点我很感激她。因为很多公司的老板都会告诉你,公司不是学校,不是让你来学东西的,而是要你来工作,为公司赢的效益的。所以,谢谢我的主管!因为公司客户多,业务很杂,最开始就要学在贸易系统里打定单。这是件很重要却又比较复杂的事情,定单里包括working pa-pe-r,p/o,poi等等很多东西,而且是全英文的,任何一个小小的地方出错都会酿成不同的后果。当然我出过很多错,定单数量,交期,价格有问题。侧麦主麦印错等等很多。