最新儿童演讲稿五分钟 儿童演讲稿一分钟我的梦想(3篇)
儿童演讲稿五分钟 儿童演讲稿一分钟我的梦想篇一
do you have a goal for your work? do you have a goal for your study? do youhave a goal for your life? maybe i will get an affirmative reply. yeah, everyonehas a goal of doing something. there is no doubt that a goal is very importantin our life. now i want to tell you a true story in my school life. i havelearned a lot from it.
i never forget last year’s school sports meeting. 1500-meter race was oneof the most exciting. before the race, my best friend xiaoshan had a goal to beno. 1. as a matter a fact, she is not so strong, but she is a sunny girl. she isactive and likes doing sports. what’s more, she tries her best to achieve thegoal, but i wonder if she is able to be the champion. there were eight playersin the race. on the first lap, she was in the sixth place; on the second lap,the took the fourth place, she went on running and she ran toward her goal, thegoal in her mind, look! on the last lap, she was the first to pass the finishingline, she was the winner. oh, great! she made it! congratulations!
at that time, i knew a goal was so necessary and important. i made adecision : “i want to take part in the english speaking competition held in myschool. what’s more, i will try my best to be in the competition as my bestfriend xiaoshan did in sports meet. ” i am sure of it. i still remembered whatmy english teacher said to us. he said :“if anyone took the first place in ourschool english speaking competition, he or she will be chose to take thecompetition held in jinjiang. it’s a great honor!”
though i can do well in my english written exams, however, to be honest, iam a little afraid to speak english in public. my english teacher oftenencourages me: “raoning, your voice sounds so beautiful, be brave, you willsucceed.” from then on, i kept a goal in mind. i said to myself aloud: stick toyour goal and you will win. and then i try my best to improve my oral englishand dare to speak either in class or after class. at last, i took part in thecompetition and became no. 1. i am chose to take part in the next year’s englishspeaking competition held in jinjiang. i said to myself aloud again: come on!you will win.
how time flies! today i am a lucky dog. i am very honored to give you aspeech. i hope everyone has a dream! in fact, we should work hard to make ourdream come true. otherwise it will become day dream. at the same time, i hopeeveryone has a goal in mind, because the goal is the first step to success. comeon, my friends, goal, goal, goal, success, success, success!
that’s all. thank you for your attention.
儿童演讲稿五分钟 儿童演讲稿一分钟我的梦想篇二
儿童演讲稿五分钟 儿童演讲稿一分钟我的梦想篇三
在家里,有一双勤劳的手——每天小朋友们回到家,就把鞋柜上的鞋摆得整整齐齐。吃饭前,小朋友又帮全家放好了筷子和汤勺。妈妈收衣服了,赶紧当起了小助手:取夹子、叠衣服、放袜子,忙得不亦乐乎!周末时,又和爸爸一起大扫除; 爸爸妈妈夸我们是爱劳动的好孩子。
我们用这双勤劳的手,学会了自己的事情自己做,学会了他人的事情帮着做。小朋友们,让我们从现在就开始行动起来,人人练就一双勤劳的双手,使我们的生活变得越来越充实,越来越快乐吧! 最后,再让我们一起来听听儿歌(《我有一双勤劳的手》)中唱得多好呀!