怙恃 父母
花白 斑白
花旦 旦角
花费 破费
花卉 花草
花名 混名 诨名
花纹 斑纹
花样 名堂 花腔
花园 花圃
花招 把戏
华丽 华美 富丽
哗闹 喧嚣 叫嚣 呼噪 嘈吵 喧斗
哗笑 哄笑
滑冰 溜冰
滑稽 风趣
滑头 狡徒
化名 假名
化装 化妆 扮装
划船 荡舟
划定 规定
划一 整齐 同等 齐整 齐截
画图 绘图
话柄 口实
怀愁 抱恨
怀念 眷念 纪念
怀胎 受孕 妊娠
怀疑 嫌疑 思疑
欢聚 团聚
欢快 欢畅
欢乐 欢欣 欢喜
欢腾 欢跃 欢悦 欢娱
欢喜 高兴
欢迎 迎接 接待
还击 反击
还是 照样 照旧 仍是
环顾 环视
环境 情况
环球 全球 举世
环绕 围绕 环抱
环视 环顾
环游 周游
阛阓 商场
缓步 徐行
缓缓 徐徐
缓慢 迟缓
幻化 变幻
幻境 幻梦 幻景
幻灭 破灭
宦官 太监
宦途 仕途
唤醒 叫醒
换衣 更衣
豢养 饲养
荒诞 荒唐 怪诞
荒废 芜秽 旷废 荒芜 荒疏
荒凉 萧疏 疏落 冷落 荒漠
荒年 凶年 歉岁
荒疏 抛荒
荒唐 荒诞 乖张
荒芜 荒凉
荒野 荒原
荒原 荒野 荒漠
慌忙 慌张
黄泉 鬼域
惶惶 惶遽 惶惑
惶恐 悚惶 惊慌
晃动 晃悠 晃荡
谎言 谣言 假话 谎话 大话
灰尘 尘土 尘埃
灰心 泄气 气馁 悲观
挥动 挥舞
挥泪 洒泪
辉煌 绚烂 灿烂 光耀
回答 回覆
回复 复原 复兴 答复
回顾 回首
回归 回来
回籍 还乡
回去 归去
回声 反响
回收 收受 接管
回手 回击
回想 回忆
回销 返梢
回旋 盘旋
回转 反转 展转
悔恨 痛恨 后悔 懊丧 懊悔 悔过 悔悟
汇报 报告 请示
会餐 聚餐
会合 齐集 集中 会集 汇合
会计 管帐
会商 谈判
会谈 漫谈
会堂 礼堂
会晤 接见 会面
会心 会意
绘图 画图
晦涩 艰涩
惠顾 光顾
毁谤 诬蔑 讪谤
毁灭 扑灭
毁伤 损伤
昏暗 幽暗 阴暗 晦暗 灰暗 惨淡 暗淡
昏倒 昏迷
昏瞶 颟顸
昏黄 朦胧
昏迷 晕厥 昏厥 昏倒
婚事 亲事
浑厚 浑朴
浑身 满身
浑浊 污浊 混浊
魂魄 灵魂
混合 夹杂
混居 杂居
混乱 杂沓 紊乱
混名 花名
混淆 搅浑 混合
混杂 混同 稠浊
豁达 宽大旷达
豁亮 明亮
豁免 宽免
豁拳 猜拳
活动 运动 流动 举止 举动 勾当
活该 该死
活结 活扣
活埋 生坑
活泼 活跃
活捉 生擒
活着 在世
火把 火炬
火锅 暖锅
火急 急切 弁急
火警 失火 火灾
火食 人烟
火头 庖丁
火线 前线 前方
火油 煤油
火葬 火化
伙计 店员 伴计
或人 某人
或谓 或曰
货币 泉币 钱银 钱币 货泉
货仓 堆栈
货品 货物 货色
货物 货色
祸端 祸根
祸根 祸胎 祸端
祸患 祸殃 祸害
祸殃 祸患
讥嘲 讥诮
讥讽 调侃
讥诮 挖苦
讥笑 讽刺 打诨 耻笑
击鼓 伐鼓
击柝 打更
饥荒 饥馑
机动 灵活
机警 机智
机密 秘要 秘密
多见 习见
way: Wherever there is room for an object to proceed, there is a way.
road: A road is a prepared way for traveling with horses or vehicles.
path: A way suitable to be traveled only by foot passengers or by animals.
route: A route is a line of travel, and may be over many roads.
street: A street is in some centre of habitation, as a city town or village, when it passes between houses of dwellings.
avenue: A avenue is a long, broad and imposing or principal street.
period: It indicates any passage of time, great or small. /an extent of time of any length.
time: It refers to a period in history. in ancient times/ in Victoria time
epoch: It indicates a long period of time marked by events or development of a particular kind.
The first flight into space marked a new epoch in the history of mankind.
era: It refers to a very long period of time marked by a particular feature in a great new era of world revolution
age: It shows a particular /a fairly definite period in history. the Bronze Age, Iron Age
fight: It is a bodily struggle
struggle: An effort of any kind to overcome difficulty.
battle: A fight between armed forces.
campaign: A series of related military operations in a war.
war: A period of fight between countries or states when
weapons are used and many people are killed.
combat: A fight, conflict, controversy.
priest: A person, esp. a man specially trained for various religious duties and ceremonies, in the Christian church, esp. in the Roman Catholic church
minister: A member of clergy, esp. Protestant churches.
clergy: The officially appointed leader of the religious activities of a particular church or temple.
clergyman: clergymen a member of clergy.
pastor: A Christian religious leader in charge of a church and its members, esp. in a Protestant church.
vicar: A priest in charge of an area in the church of England.
father: A little of respect for a priest, esp. in the Roman Catholic.
clothing: General term of clothes.
clothes: Coverings of the body such as coats,
dresses, suits, shoes, hats.
garment: A suit of clothes used by actors./a single article of clothing.
costume: 1) The fashion of dress peculiar to a people, nation, class, period, etc.
2) A dress worn by actors in a play. uniform: worn by all members of the community.
dress: 1) A kind of outer garment worn by women 。
2) worn on special occasions evening dress/ morning dress
suit: A set of outer clothes to be worn together. evening suit/swimming suit
coat: A garment with sleeves worn on top of other clothes from rain, heat, etc.
overcoat: A warn coat worn in the street.
cry: The most general one.
weep: To let flow tears.
sob: To weep or sigh with short quick breaths.
snivel: To sniffle and cry in a irritating manner.
blubber: To cry loudly noisily.
whine: To make a low complaining cry.
bawl: To utter loud cries 。
wail: To cry aloud from pain or sorrow.
moan: To make a low, miserable sound in pain or sorrow.
grown: To make a low sound of pain, unhappiness or disapproval
mourn: To feel or show sadness or sorrow for someone who has died.
lament: To express great sorrow or regret.
7.美丽 漂亮
good-looking: Having an attractive appearance in a p, healthy way used for men and women not things.
beautiful: Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion, elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers, a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather.
handsome: Of attractive appearance applies to men. a handsome fellow/actor/horse/buildings/young man.
pretty: Suggesting liveliness and sweetness, pleasing or nice to look at. a pretty little woman/garden, a pretty girl/ picture/piece of music,
lovely: So beautiful that it makes you feel good to look at it or even to think about it. The garden looks lovely.
fair: Beautiful light in color esp., skin hair.
gorgeous: Extremely beautiful or handsome.
8.拉 拖
pull: The most general one.
draw: It implies a smoother, steadier motion and generally a lighter force than pull.
drag: It usually refers to horizontal motion or motion up an incline and it suggests laborious efforts over rough ground or against friction, resistance or gravity.
The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding place.
haul: It implies continuous pulling or dragging of heavy or bulky objects.
The fisherman is hauling a net.
tug: It applies to hard often sudden violent effort to pull.
He tugged at my sleeve to ask directions.
jerk: To pull suddenly.
He jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wound.
tow: To pull by a rope or chain. We towed the car to the nearest garage.
wrench: To pull hard with a twisting or turning movement.
turn: The most general one.
spin: To turn quickly around a central point.
It emphasizes the continuity of the action, and usually the narrow extent of the circular motion.
The wheel is spinning on its axis.
whirl: To round very fast.
1、解决:Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle
2、损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize
3、给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford
4、培养:Develop, cultivate, foster
5、优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength
6、缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness
7、使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle
8、重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative
9、认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced
10、保护:Protect, conserve, preserve
11、确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge
12、有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental
13、要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition
14、消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away
15、导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate
16、因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this
17、增长至:Grow to, rise to, increase to, go up to, climb to, ascend to, jump to, shoot to
18、降低至:Dip to, fall to, decline to, decrease to, drop to, go down to, reduce to, slump to, descend to, sink to, slide to
19、保持稳定:Level out, do not change, remain stable, remain still, remain steady, be stable, maintain the same level, remain unchanged, be still, remain the same level, stay constant, keep att the same level, level off, stabilize, keep its stability, even out
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