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时间: 2023-04-26 17:01 小编: 王杰a




题目1 ? Thank you for your invitation. (A)

A. It's a pleasure.

B. It doesn't matter.

C. I'll appreciate it.

题目2 ? Hello, may I speak to John? (B)

A. Can I leave a message for him?

B. Just a second, please.

C. You are wanted on the telephone.

题目3 ? What is the train ______ to Birmingham?(B)

A. fee

B. fare

C. B. trip

题目4 ? Both the kids and their parents __________English, I think. I know it from their accent.(A)

A. are

B. is

C. been

题目5 ? John's father _________ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University.(C)

A. taught

B. teaches

C. has taught

题目6 ? Excuse me, could you tell the time?(C)

A. Can you see the clock?

B. You'd better buy a watch.

C. It's three thirty by my watch.

题目7 ? Good afternoon. Can I help you?(C)

A. I don't think I need any of your help.

B. Yes, I think so, too.

C. I need to buy a birthday present for my son.

题目8 ? Professor Smith promised to look ________ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.(C)

A. after

B. on

C. over

题目9 ? Did you notice the guy _________head looked like a big potato?(A)

A. whose

B. which

C. who

题目10 ? Never before _________ see such a terrible car accident on the road!(C)

A. I have

B. have I

C. did I


题目11 ? 选择题

Graffiti painting is traditionally a daredevil pursuit. Teenagers dodge security guards to put their names on trains and buses. But over the past decade, graffiti has all but disappeared from Britain's cities. Between 2007 and 2012 the number of incidents of graffiti recorded by the British Transport Police fell by 63%. A survey by the Environment Ministry shows that fewer places are blighted by tags than ever. Graffiti are increasingly confined to sanctioned walls, such as the Stockwell ball courts. In time the practice may die out entirely...................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Taggers and graffiti artists mostly grew up in the 1980s and 1990s. Those men—and almost all are men—are now older and less willing to take risks. Graffiti may eventually disappear. But for now the hobby is almost respectable. The former graffiti artists paint abandoned warehouses at the weekend. It has become something to do on a Sunday afternoon—a slightly healthier alternative to sitting and watching football.

1.Teenagers are not afraid of being caught by security guards when they put their names on trains and buses.(F)

2.Less tags can be found in public places nowadays.(T)

3.Because of better policing graffiti decreases.(T)

4.Some teenagers go to art school in order to learn to paint walls.(F)

5.Taggers and graffiti artists are still willing to take risks.(F)

答案:1. (F)2. (T)3. (T)4. (F)5. (F)

题目12 ? 排序题

A. Does it cost the same for every household?

B. You can pay right here, on the Internet!

C. Just go ahead.

D. We do for the live Cable TV programs.

E. Exactly, even digital boxes.

Liu Hui: Gordon, may I ask you a question?

Gordon: Hi, Liu Hui. (C)

Liu Hui: Do I need to pay for a TV license if I only watch TV online in the UK?

Gordon: Yes, indeed. You need to be covered by a TV license if you watch or record programs as they're being shown on TV or live on an online TV service.

Liu Hui: Including watching TV on computers and mobile phones?

Gordon: (E)

It is the law.

Liu Hui: I see. How much is the license fee?

Gordon: It costs ?145.50 for a color TV license and ?49.00 for a black and white TV license.

Liu Hui: That's a lot of money for a year. (A)?

Gordon: It costs the same for all applicants under 75. When you reach the age of 75, you may apply for a free Over 75 TV License.

Liu Hui: I see.

Gordon: Do you need such a license in China?

Liu Hui: (D)

Gordon: Oh, it sounds similar. But for BBC, the license fee is the main source of income. There is no advertising on the BBC channels.

Liu Hui: By the way, where should I go to pay for my license?

Gordon: (B)

Liu Hui: Well, sure! Thank you!

答案:1. C(C)2. E(E)3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B)


题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl F)搜索题目


题目1 ? Your ID card, please. (A)

A. Here you are.

B. Here are they.

C. Give you.

题目2 ? How many languages does Peter speak?(C)

A. Pretty well.

B. With his roommates.

C. Five languages.

题目3 ? You shouldn't ________ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.(C)

A. cut

B. do

C. kill

题目4 ? Every year thousands of lives ________ in road accidents because of careless driving.(C)

A. have lost

B. lost

C. are lost

题目5 ? Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ________ of fat.(A)

A. a large amount

B. the large number

C. large number

题目6 ? You are late. The discussion started 30 minutes ago. (B)

A. Don't blame me.

B. I am really sorry.

C. Well, I don't know.

题目7 ? Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?(A)

A. No, thanks.

B. Yes, I want.

C. No, I wouldn't.

题目8 ? If she wants to stay thin, she must make a __________ in her diet.(C)

A. turn

B. run

C. change

题目9 ? No matter _________, the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.(C)

A. it was snowing

B. hard it was snowing

C. how hard it was snowing

题目10 ? Had you come five minutes earlier, you _________ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.(B)

A.could catch

B. would have caught

C. would catch



Since its founding in 1948, McDonald's has grown from a family burger(汉堡包)stand to a global fast-food chain, with more than 30,000locationsin 118 countries.............................................................

........................................................................................................................1999 after he and a group of people destroyed a McDonald's under construction to protest globalization and “bad food.” The next year, a bomb exploded in a French McDonald's, killing a 27-year-old employee. No one claimed responsibility.

But regardless of whether you like their food or their policies, McDonald's is still widely seen as one of the true pioneers of peaceful globalization.

1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?(B)

McDonald's was founded in 1948.

McDonald's has opened its restaurants in every city of the world.

C. McDonald's has over 30,000 locations in the world now.

2.The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean(C)

A. very crowded

B. very clean

C. existing everywhere

3.From Paragraph 2, we can conclude that(A)

A. McDonald's designs its menu to suit the local people

B. millions of young adults got their first job with McDonald's

C. the McDonald's menu sticks to old-fashioned favorites such as the Big Mac

4. What did Jose Bove and his people do in 1999 to protest against McDonald's?(A)

A. They destroyed a McDonald's under construction.

B. They protested outside a McDonald's.

C. They refused to go to a newly-built McDonald's.

5. In(C), an employee died in a fatal bomb attack on a McDonald's restaurant in France.

A. 1998

B. 1999

C. 2000

答案:1. (B) 2. (C)3. (A)4. (A)5. (C)

题目11 ? 排序题

A. I couldn't agree more.

B. What else?

C. Once we separate and recycle them.

D. But I have a concern.

E. That is really a great advice.

Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.

Molly: That would be great! I always hate it when people mixing all thetrash together.

Peter: (E)

Many communities have already done that.

Molly: Yeah. The benefits of sorting out trash are obvious.

Peter: For instance?

Molly: If trash is sorted, it can be transferred to factories instead of thedisposal plant.

Peter: That makes sense. (B)

Molly: With trash separated, pollution caused by incineration can be avoided.

Peter: It is high time for us to sort out the trash. Trash is trash only when everything is mixed together. (C)

they can be useful again.

Molly: (A)

Things like paper, glass, and plastics can all be recycled. They can be reused.

Peter: Sorting is good. (D)

If people have no idea how to sort their trash, they will still put all waste in the same bag.

Molly: You are right. People should be informed about how to do that in the first place. Moreover, sorting trash should be made easy for us. Otherwise, few people would bother to do it.

Peter: I hope everything goes smoothly!

Molly: I believe it will.

答案:1. (E) 2.(B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D)


题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl F)搜索题目


题目1 ? Good morning, sir. May I help you?(A)

A. Yes, I need some salt.

B. No, I don't need your help.

C. No, I don't buy anything.

题目2 ? Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?(C)

A. No, I really don't like being with you.

B. No, I already have plans.

C. Thanks a lot, but I'm busy tonight.

题目3 ? Harry, who had failed in the final exam, had a great worry _____his mind.(B)

A. in

B. on

C. with

题目4 ? They have learned about _____in recent years.(B)

A. hundred of English words

B. hundreds of English words

C. several hundreds English words

题目5 ? Although he did not know London well, he made his way _____ to the airport.(A)

A. easily enough

B. easy enough

C. enough

题目6 ? I didn't know my identity card was needed, sir. (B)

A. How dare you say that?

B. Sorry, but that's no excuse.

C. I don't believe you.

题目7 ? These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you very much.(C)

A. No, nothing.

B. Yes, I agree.

C. It's my pleasure.

题目8 ? The baby is hungry, but there's ________ milk in the bottle.(A)

A. little

B. few

C. a little

题目9 ? Is the library ________ now? No, it's ______.(C)

A. opening; closing

B. open; close

C. open; closed

题目10 ? Nancy is ________ girl.(A)

A. an eighteen-year-old

B. a eighteen-years-old

C. an eighteen-years-old


题目11 ? 选择题

It can be really frustrating (使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a positive attitude. All one has to do is walk by almost any nice gym and notice all the healthy, sweating, “skinny” members. Sometimes they stare at those of us who are, well, zaftig. It is easy to see the judgment behind their eyes. Who wants to put up with that.......................................................................


1. The word zaftig in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to (A)

A. fat

B. healthy

C. friendly

2. We can infer from the first two paragraphs that (B)

A. most large gym chains really don't want members to show up frequently

B. overweight people are often frustrated and pushed away by traditional gym industry

C. regular gyms don't accept overweight people to participate in their programs

3.What is the training goal in the gyms catering to overweight members?(A)

A. To achieve functional fitness.

B. To build six-pack abs.

C. To look like a fitness model.

4. As for the gyms catering to overweight members, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?(C)

A. The machines are designed for larger people.

B. Tinted windows are used to ensure extra privacy.

C. There are large mirrors on the walls.

5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?(C)

A. Improving Women's Self-confidence through Exercises.

B. The traditional Gym Industry Is Losing Its Customers.

C. Specialized Gyms Designed for Overweight People.

答案:1. (A)2. (B)3. (A)4. (C)5. (C)

题目12 ? 排序题

For many students

B. a major barrier

C. equality in access to education

D. different people

E. non-traditional students

The National Union of Students (NUS) welcomes the news that greater numbers of black and disabled students are studying at UK universities, but there is still a lot of work to be done on widening access, writes the union's president, Gemma Tumelty.

A recent Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) equalities review showed that significant numbers of potential students felt their disability was (B)

to accessing higher education (HE). This is simply unacceptable.

Equality and diversity is not entirely a “numbers game” and before too much praise is given we need to hear more from (E)

, not just about their experience of accessing higher education but also going through the system.

Equality in society is absolutely, and fundamentally, linked to (C)

university is the place where they will be first exposed to different cultures and (D)

As well as fighting for better access, the NUS wants to see diversity properly valued and promoted within the student experience. Many pay lip service to the value of diversity, but is this recognized and promoted as a core asset to those who go through the HE system?

Equality in society can be promoted by equality and diversity at university. But the benefits of university as a positive, diverse

environment must be seen by students as adding “value” as much as any other factors before the numbers game is really won by the champions of diversity.

答案:1. (B)2. (E)3. (C)4. (A)5. (D)


题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl F)搜索题目


题目1 ? Sam, this is my friend, Jane.(A)

A. Glad to meet you, Jane

B. I'm Jack

C. Glad to meet you, Sam

题目2 ? Can you tell me where I can park the car?(C)

A. Yes, please

B. It is made in America

C. Well, just over there

题目3 ? Neither John _____his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.(B)

A. or

B. nor

C. but

题目4 ? The new order means _____ overtime. (B)

A. works

B. working

C. to work

题目5 ? I was giving a talk to a large group of people,the same talk I ___to half a dozen other groups before. (B)

A. was giving

B. had given

C. am giving

题目6 ? What's the matter with you?(B)

A. It matters with you

B. I feel a bit sick

C. Not too bad

题目7 ? I've got a bad cold today.(B)

It isn't serious

B. Oh, dear! I hope you get better soon

C. Thank you for telling me

题目8 ? The sports meeting was put off till the next week rain.(C)

A. so

B. in spite of

C. because of

题目9 ? With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased ____ he was a man of action. (C)

A. which

B. What

C. that

题目10 ? It is said that _____ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. (B)

A. quite a little

B. quite a few

C. quite a lot


题目11 ? 排序题

A. even without international links

B. Chinese students and academics

C. the crisis on economic growth

D. A strong research system

E. in part because of this

Education and academic quality can mean different things to different people, depending on their perspective, role and context and, (E), quality is notoriously difficult to evaluate. The question of how to do this has been pursued for many years.

Nevertheless, the goal of improving educational quality is agreed by all and stimulated further by the recent worldwide economic downturn and the need to counteract the impact of (C)and prepare for economic recovery.

As the World Bank and UNESCO said 10 years ago: “The quality of knowledge generated within higher education institutions, and its availability to the wider economy, is becoming increasingly critical to national competitiveness.” They also rightly emphasized that (D)

at the national level opens up the possibility that substantial additional public benefits can be realized through international links.”\

This is precisely why (B)should contribute to these global benefits, reforming and improving evaluation systems for educational and academic quality. Original and good research, especially in science, economics and social sciences, has a trickle-down effect on society. And it offers additional benefits (A), though international collaboration and exchange of the best evaluation policy and practice can bring substantial advantages to all partners in relation to lessons learned elsewhere.

答案:1. (E) 2. (C) 3. (D)4. (B) 5. (A)

题目12 ? 正误判断题

Liu Hui and Molly are discussing the issue of educational quality at a workshop.

Liu Hui: Hi, Molly. Today's topic is educational quality. First, what does educational quality mean to you?

Molly: As far as I'm concerned, quality education means good learning standards in educational institutions. So, educational quality ensures a desirable outcome for learners.

Liu Hui: Sounds like after some serious thinking. However, many definitions of quality in education exist, testifying to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the concept.

Molly: Definitely, establishing a contextualized understanding of quality means including relevant stakeholders. Key stakeholders often hold different views and meanings of educational quality.

Liu Hui: There are many prestigious universities in the US. They all provide high-quality education. But some universities aren't known for their quality. It's hard to imagine the gap.

Molly: Yes, in the US the quality in higher education is quite mixed. Universities like Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc., you know, are well-known all over the world. However, there are some institutions providing poor education, so called “diploma mills”.

Liu Hui: In China, we have similar issues in educational quality. Some universities pay more attention to profits instead of quality.

Molly: How to improve educational quality is an international issue. But, solutions are grounded in values, cultures and traditions and may be specific to a given nation as well.

1. Molly thinks that educational quality ensures a satisfactory outcome for learners.(T)

2. Liu Hui disagrees with Molly on the meaning of education quality.(F)

3. All universities in the U.S. offer high-quality education.(F)

4. Diploma mills cannot provide high-quality education.(T)

5. In China, there isn't any diploma mill.(F)

答案:1. (T)2. (F) 3. (F) 4. T(T)5. (F)


题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl F)搜索题目


题目1 ? Can you help me clear up the mess?(B)

A. Tell me who made it

B. No problem

C. Yes, that'll be all right

题目2 ? You needn't do the work till after the New Year.(B)

A. No, you needn't

B. Oh, good! Thank you.

C. Happy New Year to you

题目3 ? This kind of material expands _________ the temperature increasing. (A)

A. with

B. to

C. for

题目4 ? The young ______ interested in pop music. (C)

A. have

B. is

C. are

题目5 ? Important ________ his discovery might be, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time. (C)

A. until

B. when

C. as

题目6 ? What's the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here?(A)

A. Walking through the wood

B. It's five blocks away

C. It's a twenty-minute walk

题目7 ? How was the journey to London?(A)

A. It went very well

B. It was a nine-hour

C. I flew there

题目8 ? ________ these honours he received a sum of money. (C)

A. Expect

B. But

C. Besides

题目9 ? I want to buy a ______ wallet for him. (A)

A. small black leather

B. small leather black

C. black leather small

题目10 ? ______ tomorrow's lessons, Frank has no time to go out with his friends. (A)

A.Not having prepared

B. Not to prepare

C. Not preparing


题目11 ? 正误判断题

All communication begins with the sender and ends with the receiver. The sender is responsible for successful conveyance. The sender's personality, beliefs, cultural and educational background all influence the message and it is important for the sender to be aware of this as he or she is encoding the message. Simply put, encoding is translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepts of the message that needs sending. These symbols are usually words in written or spoken form. To ensure successful communication, the sender should know as much about his or her audience – the receiver – as possible in order to focus and support the encoding process..................................................................................................


This process, though very common, is fraught with potential breakdown at every turn. Spoken or written language is inherently easy to misinterpret. In conclusion, effective and successful Communication takes place when the message is successfully received and the receiver provides the sender with desirable feedback.

1. The sender's gender also influences the message.(F)

2. Encoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concepts of the message that will be sent later.(T)

3. These symbols are usually words and sentences in written form.(F)

4. Channel is not crucial for conveying the message.(F)

5. Feedbacks enable the sender to know whether the receiver has received the message successfully or not.(T)

答案:1. (F) 2. (T) 3. (F) 4. (F) 5. (T)

题目12 ? 填写主题句

I. Read the passage and choose the right sub-title (A-D) for eachparagraph.

A. The inexactitude of language

B. Preventing misunderstandings

C. Intercultural communication

D. Fostering respect

E. Avoiding conflicts

Para 1 (C)

Intercultural communication refers to messages transmitted between members of two or more different societies. Effective intercultural communication helps firms avoid conflict, prevent misunderstandings, and foster respect.

Para 2 (E)

The workplace is growing more diverse every day. Managers cannot assume that what they find inoffensive will also be inoffensive to their subordinates. A lack of sensitivity can lead to claims of discrimination or harassment, which costs firms big money. Intercultural communication involves exercising sensitivity and tact to avoid such conflicts.

Para 3 (A)

We human beings have developed language to communicate ideas to one another. Still, our language represents an imperfect form of communication. Sometimes, words cannot accurately convey an idea, because the information might be highly complex. Also, a concept that exists in one culture or language might not be part of another. Effective intercultural communication tries to bridge language gaps as effectively as possible so that everyone at the workplace finds themselves on the same page.

Para 4 (B)

Given the inexactitude of language, misunderstandings can frequently arise between people from different cultures when they exchange information. Idioms often become lost in translation. For example, the English expression “to shoulder responsibility” translates into Swedish as “be a man for your hat”. Intercultural communication does not rely on expressions native to a particular language that could lead to confusion; rather, it relies on clear messages that all parties understand.

Para 5 (D)

Communication happens differently in various cultures. What one society finds acceptable may be anathema to another. When coworkers from different cultures do not take these differences into account, not only does communication suffer but conflicts come to the fore. Effective intercultural communication does not try to ignore societal differences; rather, it respects the variations among the human race and enables people to transmit information clearly.

答案:Para 1. (C) Para 2. (E) Para 3. A(A) Para 4. (B)Para 5. (D)


题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl F)搜索题目


题目1 ? What do you usually do in your spare time?(A)


B. Yes, it’s my favorite time

C. No, I'll never do that

题目2 ? What's the fare to the museum?(C)

A. Five o'clock

B. Five miles

C. Five dollars

题目3 ? Before the final examination, some students have shown ______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.(B)

A. anxiety

B. signs

C. marks

题目4 ? As the busiest woman there, she made ______________ her duty to look after all the other people's affairs in that town.(C)

A. this

B. that

C. it

题目5 ? Would you like something __________?(B)

A. drink

B. to drink

C. drinking

题目6 ? Is it going to be warm next week?(B)

A. I don't believe it

B. Yes, it is

C. No, it hasn't

题目7 ? Are you on holiday here?(B)

A. We are on holiday here, too

B. No, we aren't. We live here

C. We live here, too

题目8 ? The problem is not _____ so easy as you think. It's far from being settled.(B)

A. almost

B. nearly

C. hardly

题目9 ? It was getting __________, he had to stop to have a rest. (A)

A. darker and darker

B. very darker

C. dark and dark

题目10 ? The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ______________ the desert.(A)

A. covering

B. to cover

C. covered


题目11 ? 选择题

Charity is a concept which dates back to Biblical times, when helping the poor was something that rich people basically did to make themselves feel good. Social work has its roots in charity, as it originally began around the time of the industrial revolution when there were many poor people and society was seeking a way of dealing with the poor and social problems. Although social work began as charity work, it has expanded a lot and needs to be seen from a completely different perspective.

Modern-day social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with the problems arising from various types of “social fear” (“social phobias”) and discrimination such as sexism, racism, and discrimination against an individual due to his age, or mental or physical disabilities. Social workers deal with the consequences of these discriminations as well as consequences that arise from sexual abuse, drug abuse, and various other problems.

Social work provides an important service to society. Individuals and families in need of help are the focus of it, and are re ferred to as clients. Social workers help clients live a productive life in their own community. In order to reach this goal, they often enlist the assistance of family members, relatives, local religious leaders, and other influential members of the community. Although institutionalization may be necessary at times, it is a temporary solution. Social workers usually serve in the front line, and reach out to the clients soon after problems occur. The goal is to help clients return to normal life in a natural setting.

1. The charity originally means to (A)

A. help the poor that makes the rich feel good.

B. help clients return to normal life.

C. serve the whole society.

2.When does social work begin?(A)

A. around the time of the industrial revolution

B. Biblical times

C. modern time

3. Modern-day social work deals with the following problems except (C)

A. poverty

B. racism

C. Education

4. In order to help clients live a productive life, social workers can turn to the assistance of (B)

A. government

B. family members

C. businessmen

5. Which statement about social work is NOT True?(C)

A. Social work roots from charity.

B. Social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with various social fear and discrimination.

C. Social work is that the rich people want to help the poor people.

答案:1. (A)2. A(A)3. (C) 4. B(B)5. (C)

题目12 ? 选择题

When Bill de Blasio ran for New York City mayor last year, he promised to end a controversial (有争议的), citywide cell-phone ban(禁令)in public schools, which is not equally enforced in all schools. Now, under his leadership, the city is preparing to end the ban. It will be replaced by a policy that allows phones inside schools but tells students to keep them packed away during class.

Many schools have a rule about enforcing the ban that says, “If we don't see it, we don't know about it.” That means teachers are OK with students bringing in cell phones, as long as they stay out of sight and inside bags and pockets.

But at the 88 city schools with metal detectors, die ban has been strictly enforced. The detectors were installed to keep weapon out of schools,but the scanners(扫描器)can also detect cell phones. So students at these schools must leave their phones at home or pay someone to store it for them.

The ban was put into place in 2007 under mayor Michael Bloomberg. Ending the ban will also likely end an industry that has sprung up near dozens of the schools that enforce the ban. Workers in vans(厢式货车)that resemble food tracks store teens' cell phones and Other devices for a dollar a day,

Critics of the ban say cell phones are important safety devices for kids during an emergency. They also say that enforcement of the ban is uneven and discriminatory. Where the ban is enforced, it puts a disadvantage on students who can't afford to pay to store their phones.

Before putting an official end to the cell-phone ban, city education officials are working on creating a new policy. It will include rules about not using the phones during class or to cheat on tests.

1. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?(C)

A. New York City will give financial aid to poor students.

B. New York City plans to restrict cell phone use in libraries.

C. New York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools.

2. Students pay(A)a day to leave their cell phones in a van parked near their school.

A. a dollar

B. two dollars

C. five dollars

3. Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schools, mainly to keep(B)out of schools.

A. cell phones

B. weapons

C. drugs

4. The word discriminatory in Paragraph 5 probably means(C)

A. necessary

B. tough

C. unfair

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?(C)

A. After the cell-phone ban is ended, students can use their phones during class.

B. The cell-phone ban is equally enforced in all public schools.

C. A phone-storage industry has appeared outside the 88 metal-detector campuses.

答案:1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4.(C) 5. (C)


题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl F)搜索题目


题目1 ? May I speak to Prof . Li please?(B)

A. No, you can't

B. I'm afraid you've got the wrong number

C. There's no Prof. Li

题目2 ? Here you are, Sir.(B)

A. Yes, I'm here

B. Thank you very much

C. Yes, here we are

题目3 ? How can he _____________ if he is not _____________?(B)

be listening; heard

B. hear; listening

C. listen; hearing

题目4 ? It's high time that he settled down in the country and __________ a new life.(B)

A. start

B. started

C. starting

题目5 ? It is not until you have lost your health _____________ you know its value.(A)

A. that

B. until

C. when

题目6 ? So sorry to trouble you.(B)

A. I don't think so

B. It's a pleasure

C. It's your fault

题目7 ? Would you like a tea?(B)

A. I like green tea

B. Yes, please

C. Yes, I prefer coffee

题目8 ? The computer system ___________suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.(C)

A. broke up

B. broke out

C. broke down

题目9 ? Did the medicine make you feel better?

--No. The more __________, ___________ I feel.(A)

A. medicine I take; the worse

B. I take medicine; the worse

C. medicine I take; and the worse

题目10 ? Have you ever visited the Summer Palace, _____ there are many beautiful halls, ridges and a huge lake?(B)

A. which

B. where

C. that


题目11 ? 正误判断题

To: Guangzhou People's Court

Plaintiff: Handcup Marketing

Domicile: No. 33, 4th Road, New York

Legal Representative: Qingguo Su

Position: Manager of Handcup Marketing

Defendant: South China Corporation

Domicile: No. 21 South Binjiang Road, Guangzhou

Legal Representative: Bai Mei

Position: Manager of the South China Corporation


1. To order the Defendant to pay to the Plaintiff 18,000,000 RMB, including 15,000,000 RMB for the dispatched products and 3,000,000 RMB for the interest.

2. To order the Defendant to pay for the court fees.


The defendant is the plaintiff's distributor in Southern China. From September 2010 to October 2011, the plaintiff issued all kinds of products worth 15,000,000 RMB to the defendant.(see Exhibit I)

Each of the said transactions was signed and received by the defendant (see Exhibit II). Although the plaintiff had repeatedly requested, the defendant failed to pay the debt on time.

The indebtedness arising out of the transactions between the plaintiff and the defendant shall be under the legal power of Chinese laws. The defendant refused to accept mediation. The plaintiff is now facing huge economic losses (see Exhibit III). Therefore, in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations, the defendant should bear corresponding civil responsibility.

According to Articles 106 and 112 in the PRC General Civil Law, Article 108 in the PRC Civil Procedural Law and other related laws and regulations, the plaintiff hereby files this case with the court for your adjudication.

Plaintiff:Handcup Marketing

Date:May 14th, 2012


1. One copy of the plaintiff's business license;

2. One copy of the original Certificate of the Legal Representative;

3. One copy of the original Power of Attorney;

4. Exhibit I: Invoices for each transaction;

5. Exhibit II: Receipts for each transaction;

6. Exhibit III: List of losses.

1. Handcup Marketing is suing South China Corporation of not paying for the transactions.(T)

2. Qingguo Su is a lawyer.(F)

3. The plaintiff has got well prepared before filing the lawsuit.(T)

4. The plaintiff didn't know which laws and regulations should be applied in this case.(F)

5. The defendant owed the plaintiff RMB 15,000,000 for the dispatched products.(T)

答案:1. (T) 2. (F) 3. (T) 4. (F) 5. (T)

题目12 ? 选择题

Respondent: Binhai People's Hospital

Address: No 7, Binhai Road, Binhai City

The following answer is given to Zhang Hua's claim for personal-injury compensation by the Binhai People's Hospital:

1. The respondent does not have a direct contractual relationship with Zhang Hua. Zhang Hua had an oral contract to remove the high-voltage meter cabinet with Binhai No. 2 Construction Installation Company on June 10, 2008. He was assigned by Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company and therefore has no direct contractual relationship with the respondent.

2. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua for the following reasons. Firstly, according to PRC laws and relevant judicial interpretations, Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company shall be responsible for any injury employees suffered in the contract performance. Secondly, Zhang Hua seriously violated the operational procedure in removing the high-voltage meter cabinet and failed to paydue attention thereto.

3. The respondent shall not be responsible for compensating the injuries of Zhang Hua. According to the General Principles of the Civil Law, any person engaged in highly dangerous operations shall be responsible for compensation. In this case, the respondent entered into a contract with Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company, whereby the source of high danger shifted to Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company became the subject of the dangerous operation, and therefore any damages caused in the contract performance by Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company have no connection with the respondent.

Therefore, Binhai People's Hospital is not liable for compensating Zhang Hua. We hereby request the court to reject the plaintiff's action according to law.


Binhai City Intermediate People's Court

Respondent: Binhai People's Court

Date: May 10th, 2011

1. According to the plaintiff, (A)should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua.

A. Binhai People's Hospital

B. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company

C. Binhai City Intermediate People's Court

2. Zhang Hua had an oral contract with (B)

A. 2 Construction and Installation Companies

B. Binhai No. 2 Construction and Installation Company

C. Binhai City Intermediate People's Court

3. The respondent stated (C)reasons to reject Zhang Hua's claim.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

4. Zhang Hua himself (A)bear some responsibilities.

A. should

B. shouldn't

C. mustn't

5. (C) was quoted by the respondent.

A. the PRC General Civil Law

B. the PRC Civil Procedural Law

C. General Principles of the Civil Law

答案: 1. (A)2. (B)3. (C)4. (A)5. (C)


题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl F)搜索题目


题目1 ? What time does the train leave?(B)

A. In the morning

B. At half past five

C. On Tuesday

题目2 ? How long will you be away from Italy?(A)

A. About a month

B. Yes, I'll be in Italy

C. Yes, it's a long way to Italy

题目3 ? The old houses are being pulled down to ______________ a new office block.(A)

A. make room for

B. take the place of

C. make use of

题目4 ? He would be studying at the university now if he ________the entrance examination.(C)

A. have passed

B. passed

C. had passed

题目5 ? He studied hard at school when he was young,_________contributed a lot to his success.(A)

A. which

B. what

C. therefore

题目6 ? What's the weather like in this area?(B)

A. Yes, it's fine

B. It's rainy

C. Very well

题目7 ? Have you ever been to Tokyo?(A)

A. No, but I hope to go there next year

B. No, I didn't go there last year

C. Tokyo is a busy city

题目8 ? _____________ no need _____________ the radio as I'm used to studying with it on.(A)

A. There's; turning off

B. It's; to turn down

C. It's; turning up

题目9 ? It is no use _________to remember only grammar rules.(A)

A. trying

B. try

C. to try

题目10 ? By the year 2020, China's population probably _________1.4 billion.(C)

A. are reaching

B. will be reaching

C. will have reached


题目11 ? 正误判断题

NEW YORK – The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty. They would state their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, the lawyer for one of the defendants said Sunday.

Scott Fenstermaker, the lawyer for accused terrorist Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, said the men would not deny their role in the 2001 attacks but “would explain what happened and why they did it.”

Ali and four other men are accused of killing nearly 3,000 people in the nation's deadliest terrorist attack. The U.S. Justice Department announced earlier this month that they will face a civilian federal trial just blocks from the World Trade Center site.

Ali is also known as Ammar al-Baluchi. He is a nephew of claimed 9/11 planner, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Mohammed, Ali and the others will explain “their assessment of American foreign policy,” Fenstermaker said.

“Their assessment is negative,” he said.

Fenstermaker met with Ali last week at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. He has not spoken with the others. But he said the men have discussed the trial among themselves.

Fenstermaker was first quoted in The New York Times in Sunday's editions.

Critics of Attorney General Eric Holder decided to try the men in a New York City civilian courthouse. It has warned that the trial would provide the defendants with a propaganda platform.

Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the Department of Justice, said Sunday that while the men may attempt to use the trial to express their views, “we believe the courts and the federal judge may govern the trial. The course of justice will be led appropriately and with minimal break, as federal courts have done in the past.”

1. The five men thought that the U.S. foreign policy should be blamed for the 911 attack.(T)

2. Scott Fenstermaker is the lawyer for Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali and four other men.(F)

3. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 911 attack.(T)

4. The press didn't care about this civilian federal trial.(F)

5. We can infer from the article that the prisoners also have their freedom to express their own views in the U.S.A.(T)

答案:1. (T)2. (F)3. (T) 4. (F)5. (T)

题目12 ? 选择题

Alternative Legal Billing – Win Strategies

Hourly billing is the best way to be charged for legal services. About 95 percent of lawyers still perform their legal work on an hourly basis. If you want something better than the old “bill by the hour” deal, try presenting one of these billing structures.

Project billing for routine issues

If your legal needs include large but repetitive tasks, consider a flat-fee approach. Once you get a project billing estimate, don't hesitate to shop around to compare prices and services with other law firms. A firm may provide a better deal if it expects future work from your company.

Results-oriented options

“Pay-according-to-success” is one choice. It considers fees based on the outcome of the case and the performance of your counsel. Contingency fees turn the matter into a shared risk or shared encouragement, making the law firm your business partner, not just representation.

Multi-layered tasks

If you're shopping for a firm for actual legal work involving a number of legal specialties, consider using blended hourly fees. The firm calculates in advance an “average” rate based on the anticipated time each lawyer spends on the matter.

This arrangement helps the client to avoid paying a senior partner's hourly rate for research that should be conducted by a junior associate.

Legal “Insurance”

The contract fee allows the client to pick up the phone and talk to the lawyer without needing to eye the clock. This approach works like a legal insurance policy. It encourages companies to contact their counsel on non-litigation, non-crisis matters, and to save money in the long run by engaging in more preventive legal action.

1. (B)is the best way to be charged for legal services.

A. Results-oriented billing

B. Hourly billing

C. Flat-fee billing

2. A flat-fee approach (A)

A. is suitable for repetitive tasks

B. is useless

C. is the best choice.

3. (C)make the law firm share your risk and encouragement.

A. Contract fees

B. Blended hourly fees

C. Contingency fees

4. Legal work involving a number of legal specialties should consider using (A)

A. blended hourly fees

B. insurance fees

C. hourly fees

5. You have to eye the clock when you talk to the lawyer when you choose (B)

A. legal “Insurance”

B. the old “bill by the hour” deal

C. a flat-fee approach

答案:1. (B)2. (A)3. (C)4. (A)5. (B)



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