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2021上半年英语六级真题 英语六级参考答案

时间: 2021-06-13 10:17 小编: CXY


01 作文部分


As is demonstrated in the bar chart,the past forty years/four decades have seen a sharp increase of 41.11%in the share of urban population in China.

China’s achievements in urbanization are great.To begin with, many rural areas have been industrialized in the past several years and now are rated as third-tier cities. The rapid development of economy leads to this change, because boomed industries attracted more skillful workers to the urban areas. Second, the welfare and infrastructure in those areas are improved. As a result, it has brought citizensgreat convenience in many aspects of life such as fast transportation and the best education and health care system.

In brief, taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion thatwith the increasing pace of industrialization in the city and the countryside, China will absolutely make more achievements in urbanization.

中国高等教育(China’s achievements in high education)

Accordingto the data of Ministry of Education,China’s gross enrollment ratio in higher education has increasedfrom 3.4% in 1990 to 51.4% in 2019. As is revealed in the above chart, the past three decades have seen great progress in China’s higher education.

To account for this phenomenon, people have come up with numbers of reasons which are listed as below. For a start,since the implementation of reform and opening up, the reform and development of higher education have made significant achievements. A higher education system with various forms, which encompasses basically all branches of learning has taken shape. Furthermore, the relationship among universities, government and society has been gradually smoothed out by various ways such as joint establishment, adjustment, cooperation and merger.Finally, as Chinese people are more satisfied with physical living, they will undoubtedly begin to take an interest in education.

Such changes have a significant impact on both individuals and the whole country. On the one side, there will be more people having access to higher education. On the other side, these achievements will do good to cultivate high-quality talentsfor China, improving the country's cultural and economic strength.

中国脱贫Rural Population in Poverty

As is demonstrated in the above chart, the rural population in poverty China decreased dramatically from nearly one hundred million in 2012 to less than 25 million in 2019. And the poverty headcount ratio declined from about 10 percent to 1 percent relatively. We can see clearly that China has made tremendous progress in poverty alleviation.

It is beyond all doubt that the achievements accomplished in poverty reduction are of significance. In the first place, rural areas have achieved faster and better development which is beneficial to stepping up to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. In addition, to improve the wellbeing of its people remains the main task of the Chinese government. Last but not least, as a developing country with a population of 1.4 billion, China will give other developing regions some enlightenment on the poverty eradication.

We can reach the conclusion that only by cementing the gains has made so far and intensifying efforts to promote development of rural areas, can the increasing number of people will be lifted out of poverty.

02 听力部分


1. A) He is going to leave his present job.

2. B) It should be kept private.

3. C) It may adversely affect his future career prospects.

4. A)Pour out his frustrations on a rate-your-employer websites.

5. B) Her latest documentary.

6. D) She had to endure many hardships.

7. D) A hurricane was coming.

8. C) It was fruitful

9. B) It diminishes laymen's interest in science.

10. C) They tend to disbelieve the actual science.

11. B) Do away with jargon terms.

12. A) There were oil deposits below a local gassyhill.

13. D) The sand under the hill.

14. C) It gave birth to the oil drilling industry.

15. D) It radically transformed the state's economy.

16.D)Bad managers.

17. B) Toxic company culture.

18. A) It was based only on the perspective of employees.

19. D) It is seeing an automation revolution.20. A) It creates a lot of new job.21. C) They accept it with reservation.

22.B). Their annual death rate is about twice that of the global average.

23.C). They don’t reflect the changes in individual countries.

24.B). Many of them have seen a decline in road-death rates.

25.A). Foster better driving behavior.


1. A) Weird.

2. B) They are ignorant.

3. B) They can air their views.

4. C) It enables people to learn and grow.

5. A) He kept looking for the best place to stay.

6. B) Stretch out the process in search of the optimal

7. C) Modern technology.8. A) Research as many different options as possible.

9. D) It is not of much help to younger children.

10. A) It may put some students in remote areas at a disadvantage.

11. C) Doing homework exerts a positive effect on kids' personality development.

12. B) It was ridiculed by the New York Times.

13. A) It was of great significance to rocket science.

14. B) Its climate was ideal for year-round rocket launching.

15. C) He was granted over 200 patents in rocket technology .

16.D)It can be rather risky.

17.C) It reduces conflict among team members.

18. B) They often work without any

19. D) They are better able to survive or handle disease.20. A) They have a limited reproductive ability.

21. D) The resolution of aging-related diseases will solve the mystery of aging.

22. A They are reluctant to follow instruction.

23. B They are not satisfied with the management.

24. C When they find their supervisors helpful.

25. A They are a useless tool for managers to change employee behavior.

03 阅读部分




开头:A new study has drawn a bleak picture of cultural inclusiveness reflected in...


【答案速查】26-30 FEIHK 31-35 CBGAL

26. F) investigated

27. E) housed

28. I) representation

29. H) portraying

30. K) secondary

31. C) bias

32. B) appreciation

33. G) overwhelming

34. A) alienating

35. L) superiority

长篇阅读开头:How Marconi Gave Us the Wireless World


36.Marconi was central to our present-day understanding of communication.答案:[F] Marconi was quite simply the central...of communication.

37.As an adult, Marconi had an intuition that he had to be loyal to politicians in order to be influential.答案:I) by the time he reached adulthood, he...with political power.

38.Marconi disapproved of the use of wireless communication for commercial broadcasting.答案:D) There are some who say ...to frivolous ends.

39.Marconi's example demonstrates that theoretical concepts and experiments complement each other in making progress in science and technology.答案:J) Shortly after Marconi's death, the nuclear...features of progress.

40.Marconi's real inerst lay in the development of worldwide wireless communication.答案:C)Marconi was really interested in only one thing...believe some reports.41. Marconi spent his whole life making wireless communication simple to use.答案 [E] .Marconi's carer was devoted to making wireless communication happen cheaply, efficiently, smoothly, and with an elegance that would appear to be intuitive and uncomplicated to the user-user-friendly, if you will.

42. Because of his long-time connection with people in power, Marconi was unable to cut himself off from the fascist regime in Italy.答案 [K]. However,after a lifetime of moving within the circles of power, he was unable to break with authority, and served Mussolini faithfully (as president of Italy's national research council and royal academy, as well as a member of the Fascist Grand Council) until the day he died-conveniently-in 1937, shortly before he would have had to take a stand in the conflict that consumed a world that he had, in part, created.

43. In his later years, Marconi exerted a tremendous influence on all aspects of people's life.答案 [G].In his lifetime, Marconi foresaw the development of television and the fax machine, GPS, radar, and the portable hand-held telephone....By then,anything Marconi saidor did was newsworthy.

44. What connected the 19th century and our present time was the development of wireless communication.答案[B]. What made the link from then to now was the development of wireless communication.

45. Despite his autonomy, Marconi felt alienated and suffered from a lack of acceptance.答案:[H]。At the same time, he also suffered tremendously from a need for acceptance that drove, and sometimes stained, every one of his relationships.

Passage One

(1)文章开头Humans are fascinated by the source of their failings and virtues. This preoccupation…(2)答案【答案速查】 46-50 DABAD

46. What did a recent research paper claim?D) Students’ academic performance is determined by their genes.

47. What does the author think of the recent research?A) Its result was questionable.

48. What does the author say about the relationship between DNA and intelligence?B) It is not one of cause and effect.

49. What do hereditarians need to do to make their claims convincing?A) Take all relevant factors into account in interpreting their data.

50. What does the author warn against in the passage?D) Promoting discrimination in the name of science.

Passage Two

文章开头:Nicola Sturgeon’s speech last Tuesday setting out the Scottish engorgement's legislative programme for the year ahead confirmed what was already pretty clear.

(2)答案:51-55 BCDAC

51. What do we learn from Nicola Sturgeon’s speech?B) Tourists will have to pay a tax to visit Scotland.

52. How come the UK has been slow in imposing the tourist tax?C) Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation.

53. Both international and domestic visitors in the UK should pay tourist tax so as to ______.D) ease its financial burden of providing local services

54. What does the author say about Western tourists?A) They don’t seem to care about the social cost of tourism.55. What are UK people’s opinions about the levy of tourist tax?C) Divided.


(1)文章开头开头:I’m always baffled when I walk into a pharmacy and see shelves bursting with various vitamins...

(2)答案【答案速查】26-30 OFAEG 31-35DBLJC

26. O) ultimately

27. F) expended

28. A) abundance

29. E) equation

30. G) feat

31. D) envisaged

32. B) astonishment

33. L) plight

34. J) overhaul

35. C) entailed

长篇阅读标题:France's beloved cathedral only minutes away from com-plete destruction

【答案速查】36-40 IDKFB 41-45 HHJDG

36. The total amount of damage to Notre Dame Cathedral can be assessed only when its structure is considered safe.答案I) The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon to see the extent of the devastation.

37. Once again people began to argue whether Notre Dame Cathedral was going to collapse even without the fire.答案D) The cathedral is owned by the French state and has been at the centre of a years-long dispute over who should finance restoration work of the collapsing staircases,crumbling statues and cracked walls.

38.The Notre Dame Cathedral catastrophe was said to have helped unite the French nation.答案K) French political commentators noted the devastating fire had succeeded where Macron had failed in uniting the country.

39.The roof of Notre Dame Cathedral was built with large numbers of densely laid-out wood beams.答案F) The fire, which had started at the base of the 93-metre spire at about 6:40pm on Monday,spread through the cathedral's roof,made up of hundreds of oak beams, some dating back to the 13th century.

40.Renovation workers f Notre Dame Cathedral were questioned to find out the cause of the accident.答案B) The revelation of how close France came to losing its most famous cathedral emerged as police investigators questioned workers involved in the restoration of the monument to try to establish the cause of the devastating blaze.41. Had the bell towers' wooden frames burned down, the heavy bells would have crashed down.答案H) While the world looked on, the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers, where the cathedral bells hang.

42.The timely action of the firefighters prevented the fire from reaching the Cathedral's bell towers.答案 H) While the world looked on, the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers, where the cathedral bells hang.

43. Apart from the fire, the water used to extinguish it also caused a lot of damage to Notre Dame Cathedral.答案J) The culture minister, Franck Riester, said religious relics saved from the cathedral were being securely held at the Hotel de Ville, and works of art that sustained smoke damage were being taken to the Louvre, the world's largest art museum, where they would be dried out, repaired and stored.

44. There has been argument over the years as to who should pay for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral.答案D) The cathedral is owned by the French state and has been at the centre of a years-long dispute over who should finance restoration work of the collapsing staircases, crumbling statues and cracked walls.

45. News of the Notre Dame Cathedral catastrophe instantly caught media attention throughout the world.答案G) . A collection of dramatic videos and photos quickly spread across social media, showing the horrifying destruction, and attracting emotional responses from people all over the word.

Passage One

(1)文章开头We often think of drawing as something that takes in born talent, but this kind of thinking stems from our misclassification of drawing as, primarily, an art form rather than a tool for learning

(2)答案【答案速查】 46-50 ACADD


46. A) It is a gift creative people are endowed with.

47. C) They add beauty and charm to the world.

48. A) Everybody is born with the capacity to draw.

49. D) It helps improve concentration and memory.

50. D) Precision in visual perception

Passage Two

文章开头:The car has reshaped our cities. It seems to offer autonomy for everyone...

答案:51-55 BCABC

51. B) They present a false picture of the autonomy cars provide.

52. C) Only some can be put to use under current traffic conditions.

53. A) It is likely to create traffic jams in other places.

54. B) It seldom delivers all the benefits as promised.

55. C) Technological innovation should be properly regulated.



开头:At 43, I've reached the stage where women are warned to watch out for the creeping sadness of middle age.(2)答案

【答案速查】26-30 HEJBO 31-35 FMGAD

26. H) fragility

27. E) diminished

28. J)obscurity

29. B)authentic

30. O)suppress

31. F)drowned







开头:What Are the Ethics of CGI Actors—And Will They Replace Real Ones?


【答案速查】36-40 GCJAF 41-45 LBHEI

36. There is an ongoing debate the public as to whether the images of deceased should be recreated.答案:[ G] Legally, a person's rights to control the commercial use of their name and image beyond their death differ between and even within countries.

37. The CGT technology allows the image of the decreased James Dean to be presented to young people in new settings.答案:[ C] The James Dean film is a way to keep the actor's image relevant for younger generations, says Mark Roesler of CMG Worldwide, the firm that represents Dean's estate.

38. It is very likely that the CGl-recreated image of a deceased celebrity will fail to match the real actor especially in facial expressions.答案:[ J] This refers to the idea that when objects trying to resemble humans aren't quite perfect, they can make viewers feel uneasy because they fall somewhere between obviously non-human and fully human.

39. The use of digital technology can bring images of deceased celebrities back to the screen.答案:[ A] Digital humans are coming to a screen near you....

40. Recreating a deceased famous actor or actress may violate their legitimate rights.答案:[F] A hidden hazard of digitally recreating a deceased (已故的 ) celebrity is the risk of damaging their legacy.

41. More CGI-recreated images of deceased celebrities are expected to appear on screen.答案:[ L] Webber expects that we will see more digital humans on screen.

42. The image of James Dean will be recreated on screen with his voice dubbed by someone else.答案:[ B] Late in 2019, it was announced that US actor James Dean, who died in 1955, will star in a Vietnam War film sched- uled for release later this year.

43. However the CGI technology is, the recreated image will differ in a way from the real actor.答案:[ H] A recreation, however lifelike, will never be indistinguishable from a real actor...

44. A lot of actors today are likely to make use of the CGI technology to have their images stored for the benefit of their families.答案:[E] Now, a person can be animated from scratch...45. Some actors are concerned that they may lose jobs because of the CGI technology.答案:[I] As it becomes easier to digitally recreate celebrities ...

Passage One

开头:You can’t see it, smell it, or hear it, and people disagree on...

【答案】46-50 DBCBC

46. D) It contributes to intellectual growth but can easily be killed.

47. B) Cultivation of creativity should permeate the entire school curriculum.

48. C) Test-oriented teaching.

49. B) They attach great importance to arts education.

50. C) Providing all children with equal access to arts education.

Passage Two

文章开头:Emulating your conversation partner’s actions is a common human behavior...

答案:51-55 CBAAD

51. C) Imitate their partners’ gestures without their knowing it.

52. B) When both sides have a lot of things in common.

53. A) It encourages people to imitate.

54. A) It facilitates the creation of one’s own writing style.

55. D) It may do harm as well as good.

04 翻译部分


海南是仅次于台湾的中国第二大岛,是位于中国最南端的省份。海南岛风景秀丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈,大部分海滩几乎全年都是游泳和日光浴的理想场所,因而被誉为中国的四季花园和度假胜地,每年都吸引了大批中外游客。海南1988年建省以来,旅游业、服务业、高新技术产业飞速发展,是中国唯一的省级经济特区。在中央政府和全国人民的大力支持下,海南将建成中国最大的自由贸易试验区。Hainan is the second largest island in China, only second to Taiwan. It is the southernmost province in China.Hainan Island has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, abundant sunshine, rich biodiversity, numerous hot springs and clear sea. Most of the beaches are ideal places for swimming and sunbathing almost all the year round. As a result, it is known as China's four- season garden and holiday resort, attracting a large number of tourists at home and abroad every year.Since the establishment of Hainan Province in 1988, tourism, service industry and high-tech industry have been developing rapidly. Hainan is the only provincial special economic zone in China. With the strong support of the central government and the people of the whole country, Hainan will be built into the largest pilot free trade zone in China.




青海山川壮丽,地大物博。石油和天然气储量丰富,省内许多城市的经济在石油和天然气工业带动下得到了长足发展。青海尤以水资源丰富而闻名,是中国三大河流长江、黄河和澜沧江的发源地,在中国的水生态中发挥着重要作用。Qinghai is a province in northwestern China with an average elevation of more than 3,000 meters, and most of the province consists of mountains and high plateaus.Qinghai province gets its name from Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in China. Known as "the most beautiful lake in China", Qinghai Lake is one of the most popular tourist attractions and a paradise for photographers and artists.Qinghai has magnificent mountains and rivers, vast territory and abundant reserves of oil and natural gas. The economy of many of its cities has made considerable development driven by the oil and natural gas industry. Qinghai is especially famous for its abundant water resources. It is the source of China's three major rivers—the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and the Lancang River, and plays an important role in China's water ecology.


云南是位于中国西南的一个省份,平均海拔1500米。云南历史悠久,风景秀丽,气候宜人。云南生态环境优越,生物多种多样,被誉为野生动植物的天堂。云南还有多种矿藏和充足的水资源,为全省经济的可持续发展提供了有利条件。云南居住着25个少数民族,他们大多有自己的语言、习俗和宗教。云南独特的自然景色和丰富的民族文化使其成为中国最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一,每年都吸引着大批国内外游客前往观光旅游。Yunnan is a province located in southwest China, with an average elevation of 1500 meters above sea level. Yunnan has a long history, beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. Yunnan is known as the paradise of wildlife for its superior ecological environment and biodiversity. Yunnan also has a variety of mineral resources and sufficient water resources, which provide favorable conditions for the sustainable economic development of the whole province.Yunnan is home to 25 ethnic minorities, most of whom have their own language, customs and religions. Yunnan's unique natural scenery and rich ethnic culture make it one of the most popular tourist destinations in China, attracting a large number of tourists from home and abroad every year.


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